4117 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland, OH 44135

(216) 252-4500(216) 252-4500

Open Monday – Sunday 8am–1am

Who’s The Boss? Tips and Tricks For Sneaking Medication To Pets

Just when you thought you pulled the wool over your pet’s eyes, he or she spits out the pill you oh-so-stealthily slipped into that deliciously creamy Havarti. It’s so aggravating when all your hard work is literally laying on the floor between you… Not to mention a tragic loss of cheese. The echoes of “it’s […]


Brain Freeze! The Best in Frozen Pet Treats

Young or old, we all love a good snack. Fortunately, summer brings countless opportunities for tasty treats, and our pets are only too happy to catch any stray dribbles or crumbs. With our delicious recipes for frozen pet treats, you won’t have to resist those pleading eyes this summer. Raw and Fresh Frozen Pet Treats […]


6 Surprising Daily Pet Care Tips

Along with annual veterinary care, the wonderful things you do for your fur friend on a daily basis are also integral to good health and wellbeing. From diet to exercise, these are many daily pet care tips out there – the trick is knowing which ones you can rely on. That’s why West Park Animal […]


Pocket Money: Summer Jobs for the Pet Loving Kid

Everyone remembers their first job…Whether it’s delivering newspapers, selling movie tickets, or landscaping, the first job is a meaningful opportunity to develop important life skills. For kids that love animals, working with – or around – them is the ultimate experience. In addition to being rewarding, eye-opening, and educational, jobs for the pet loving kid […]


Travel with a Pet? You Bet!

Nowadays, it’s not only common to see people on vacation with their pets, it’s quite trendy. From posh resorts to outdoor adventures, there are plenty of options if you want to travel with a pet! However, there are some serious things to consider before em”bark”ing on your next vacation. The most important factors deal with […]


Listen Up: Common Pet Ear Problems and Prevention

Although pet ears are adorable – from floppy basset ears to the fuzzy twitching ears of a new kitten – ear health often remains a mystery until infection occurs. When it comes to pet ear problems such as mite infestations, inflammation, or other uncomfortable conditions, many pets suffer needlessly. Causes of Pet Ear Problems There […]


Signs Of Animal Abuse Or Neglect And How You Can Help

Chances are good that if you’re reading this blog, you are a pet owner and animal lover who does not need advice on the proper way to show love and tenderness toward your precious pet. Unfortunately, many pets in the U.S. are not so fortunate. Animal abuse and neglect is a sad fact of life, […]


A Universal Behavior: Why do Cats Knead?

In our opinion, there are few things cuter than a feline making bread. Yes, you read that right. Preparing biscuits, kneading dough, baking the proverbial meow muffins…whatever adorable euphemism you choose, they all describe a universal behavior of cats. Both wild and domesticated felines zero-in on this instinct, begging the question: why do cats knead? […]


Handling Cat Hairballs Fair and Square

A sound that all cat owners recognize – and simultaneously fear – is the gut-wrenching hack of their pet trying to cough up a hairball. Few topics inspire such unease and revulsion, but knowing how to handle cat hairballs (and what causes them) is important. That’s where your friends at West Park Animal Hospital come […]


Pucker Up! The Truth About Pet Kisses and Health

It seems there are two types of pet owners: those who relish friendly pet kisses and those who cringe at the thought. Some animal lovers go so far as to kiss their pets on the mouth! Whether you’re one of the affectionate types or not, there’s a lot of confusion about the safety and health […]