The Pets of Rock and Roll
Being in Cleveland, home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, West Park Animal Hospital decided it would be remiss to not take the time to feature some of our favorite pets of rock and roll. Read on to live vicariously through a few fluffy friends who really know how to jam. Historical Pets […]

Under Construction? The Keys to Pet Safety During a Remodel
Whether you’ve hired a contractor or you’re doing the work yourself, a remodel at home can be a huge undertaking. Even if your project is confined to a small part of the house or it doesn’t have an extended timetable, home construction upends the natural ease and comfort that pets depend on. Since they can’t […]

Life’s the Pits When It Comes to Pets and Pitted Fruit Toxicity
By now, we all know that fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet. The same goes for our pets, who can benefit from the added vitamins and minerals found in small amounts of fresh produce. Allowing pets to have a bite of banana, a scoop of cooked sweet potato, or a few steamed […]

Cats and Milk: A Natural Match or Not a Good Idea?
The image of a fluffy barn cat lapping from a bucket next to a big Holstein cow is an iconic one for sure. While many of us search our refrigerators for a gallon of milk as a treat for our feline friends, cats and milk actually aren’t a good combination. West Park Animal Hospital wants […]

Food for Life: Why a Pet’s Life Stage is an Important Factor in Nutrition
Most of us would agree that good nutrition is the cornerstone of lifelong health, and the quality and quantity of the food we choose can make a significant impact on overall wellbeing and vitality. This is very true for our pets, whether we’re talking about an energetic puppy or kitten or a senior pet who […]

The Short Way Home: Microchipping Your Pet
Do you have an escapee pet? You know the type – always hanging around the front door, waiting for the opportunity to push past our legs and run for freedom? Unfortunately, the statistics regarding pet loss are staggering. One in three pets will be lost in their lifetime. Over 10 million are lost in the […]

Can Pets Get Lice?
If you’ve ever had a scare with head lice, it’s likely you never want to experience it again. Head lice, which is a specific species called Pediculus humanus capitis, only affects humans. In other words, while lice may spread from one human family member to another, it’s impossible that your pet was the cause of […]

The Year-Long Itch: Parasite Prevention That’s Year Round
Spring and summer are marvelous for many reasons. Not on the list of seasonal splendors? Parasites, of course. Yes, bugs are a natural consequence of warmer weather, but with a proactive approach to parasite prevention, they don’t have to bother your pet – or spread dangerous diseases! Consider the Lifestyle Due to an indoor-only lifestyle, […]

Urban Bugs: Parasite Prevention in the City
It makes sense to assume city-dwelling pets are generally healthier than rural ones. They don’t typically find themselves spending long hours in bordering farms or fields, wandering far from home. Urban pets also usually have quicker, easier access to veterinary care. Sure, city-dwelling pets have a lot going for them. However, that doesn’t mean we […]

Eww, Fido Did What? How to Keep Your Dog Out of the Litter Box
There are few things more disgusting than receiving a big slobbery kiss from your dog only to realize they recently helped themselves to a litter box snack. It’s likely this common but annoying habit has had you Googling answers furiously looking for help. So, what’s up with this unsavory behavior and how can you keep […]