Pet Safety: Do the Benefits of Essential Oils Outweigh the Risks?
Although they’ve been used for generations, essential oils have exploded onto the natural health and wellness scene. Touted for their positive effects on depression, insomnia, and even the common cold, essential oils aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. In fact, pet safety can be significantly compromised when the oils are breathed in or ingested. […]

Help! My Pet Broke a Tooth!
Dogs and cats explore the world with their mouths, and chewing, biting, gnawing, and chomping are parts of that exploration. It probably comes as no surprise that chipped and broken teeth are common occurrences among pets that many veterinarians see on a weekly basis. Besides being unsightly, a broken tooth can spell big trouble for […]

The Problem with Fake Service Animals
Modern pets enjoy lives their ancestors would hardly recognize. Not only do we provide them with the best in nutrition and medical care, we also have a respect for animals that has grown considerably in recent decades. Studies show that most pet owners now consider their four-legged companions family members. Indeed, pets are wonderful additions […]

Introducing the Catio and Other Awesome Activities for Cats
Winter is…well, it’s far from over yet, but one thing we know for sure is that spring is on the horizon. After a long, cold season indoors, you and your furry companion may be feeling a little stir-crazy and no doubt may be looking for some new activities to inspire exercise. As the team at […]

An Unthinkable Tragedy: How to Avoid a Stolen Pet
Pet theft is on the rise, with close to 2 million pets being stolen each year. Depending on breed, some of these pets end up as fighting dogs, used for breeding, or sold to labs that test on animals. In many other cases, they’re simply given as gifts or taken home. A stolen pet is […]

Meow-Wow! Learn More About Your Furry BFF with the Latest Pet Research
For centuries, humans have turned to the scientific method to help untangle life’s mysteries. Considering how deeply entwined our lives are with our dogs, cats, and other domestic animals, it’s no surprise that we would be intensely curious about what makes them tick, and how that relates to our relationships with them. Here at West […]

Party Animals! Your Guide To Throwing A Pet Friendly Party
Throughout history, human beings will find any excuse to throw a party. We get together to celebrate nearly every milestone in life including birthdays, graduations, awards, retirements, baptisms, and many more. But why should we have all the fun? Today’s pets enjoy an elevated status in our society, and with over 50% of U.S. households […]

Meowy Christmas: Celebrating a Cat Friendly Holiday
Whether you’ve had your home completely decorated and all of your meals and gatherings planned since November, or you take a more minimalist (and last-minute) approach, there’s a certain element of nostalgic joy that goes along with the sights, sounds, and smells of the holidays. This time of year probably doesn’t evoke the same emotions […]

A Very Catty Christmas: Celebrating the Holidays with Cats
If you are like most cat aficionados, the holidays have a way of making things a little more complex around your home. Just how long will it be before Pickles knocks over the Christmas tree, or sends an heirloom ornament crashing down the hall? But holidays with cats doesn’t have to be a recipe for […]

The Elephant in the Room: Holiday Pet Safety May Hinge on the Decor
Looking at old holiday photographs, it’s interesting to see the decorative choices that were made. Bright silver-looking artificial trees, aerosol-spray artificial snow, and mounds of tinsel all contribute to some warm and fuzzy memories, but luckily, these were mostly fads from a different era. Current holiday decorations might be more tasteful and refined, but like […]