4117 Rocky River Dr, Cleveland, OH 44135

(216) 252-4500(216) 252-4500

Open Monday – Sunday 8am–1am

A Portable Place of Refuge: Why You Should Crate Train Your Cat

While crate training any animal can be a formidable task, it’s never an insurmountable one. This is especially true with cats. An effort to crate train your cat may feel a bit like climbing the steepest mountain without the right technique. Cats are as wonderful as they are mysterious. They can be collectively dismissive about […]


Tasty or Treacherous? What to Do When Your Pet Eats Something Weird

You’ve probably heard the old adage about curiosity and cats, but dogs are equally compelled (if not more so) to gobble up something unfamiliar. Sure, it’s possible that an entire roll of ingested dental floss could come out of your pet’s rear end intact, but it’s far more likely that he or she will endure […]


The Cutest Endeavor Ever: Caring for Stray Kittens

Who can say no to a basketful of fluffy kittens? Not many of us. It can be overwhelming to take on a litter of new baby cats who need your help, but caring for stray kittens can be a rewarding experience. Keep reading to learn what it takes to get these little bundles of joy […]


The Best Policy: Why Honesty at the Vet is Important

As responsible pet owners, we are happy to give our pets everything they need to live happy, healthy lives: nutritious food, shelter, love and affection, training and boundaries, and of course, quality veterinary care. Regardless of how much we treasure our pets and how well we care for them, many of us are guilty of […]


Happy Holidays Already? Our Favorite DIY Pet Gifts

It may only be September, but here at West Park Animal Hospital we believe it’s never too early to start thinking about holiday gifts for your pet. Most of our pets probably already have everything they need, so why not try your hand at DIY pet gifts this holiday season? We’ve come up with a […]


The Heat is On: Summer Pet Paw Care

From the second your pet walked into your life, his or her paw print left a mark on your heart. From the perfect pink paws of the young to the weathered and worn pads of a senior companion, paw care is essential to overall wellness. While year round injury prevention is important, summer months are […]


Literacy Dogs: A Furry, Non-Judgemental Presence Helps Young Readers

From boosting energy levels to providing life-sustaining companionship, dogs serve us in so many meaningful ways. Did you know that dogs are also excellent reading partners? Established, canine-centered literacy programs across the globe continue to positively impact young children learning how to confidently read out loud. Literacy dogs don’t teach kids, of course; rather, they […]


Flummoxed? Reasons Cats Love Boxes

Every individual is unique with specific triggers that ease stress and increase comfort. Whether it’s a well-worn sweater, freshly churned ice cream, or a walk through a peaceful meadow, we all have soothing items or ideas that bring us to our happy place. In this way, your fluffy, finicky, and slightly persnickety feline is much […]


Who’s The Boss? Tips and Tricks For Sneaking Medication To Pets

Just when you thought you pulled the wool over your pet’s eyes, he or she spits out the pill you oh-so-stealthily slipped into that deliciously creamy Havarti. It’s so aggravating when all your hard work is literally laying on the floor between you… Not to mention a tragic loss of cheese. The echoes of “it’s […]


When the Sidewalks Sizzle: Summer Pet Paw Care

If you’ve ever walked barefoot across sand or concrete in the summer, you know how painful it can be. Summer heat can also take its toll on our pets’ sensitive paw pads; however, paw care is often neglected. This summer, make sure your pet is protected with these warm weather paw care tips. 5 Paw […]