Artificial Sweeteners and Pets
By now, pet owners are well aware that chocolate is bad for pets. The dangers of allowing pets to consume xylitol (a sugar substitute) is also becoming more widely known – and for good reason. Xylitol, which is commonly found in sugar-free candy, baked goods, gum, and other products, can lead to a life-threatening drop […]

Happy Tail Syndrome in Dogs
A dog’s tail is their “stamp” on the world. It can communicate joy, fear, uncertainty, or confidence. It is part of their identity. So what’s a pet to do when their tail is hurt? Tail injuries can be difficult and frustrating to manage. West Park Animal Hospital is happy to help fix tails whenever we […]

Adopting the Oddballs: Special Needs Pets
If you’ve ever gone to the shelter looking for a new pet, you have probably been overwhelmed with the number of animals that need to be adopted. Statistics show that over 2 million pets are adopted from animal shelters each year. That’s an astounding number! When looking for a new pet, did you ever consider […]

Sick as a Dog: Can You Catch a Cold From Your Pet?
The simple answer to this question is yes, but it is extremely rare. If you and your cat or dog are both sick at the same time, you may think you caught a cold from your pet, or vice versa. Some symptoms are certainly similar. An Upper Respiratory Infection (URI), usually referred to in humans […]

Pet Nutritional Supplements: Necessary or Needless?
Many Americans take a multivitamin to supplement their diet, fish oil for heart health, or a joint supplement to quell arthritis pains. This habit of utilizing supplements to support overall health and well-being has crossed over into the world of pet products as well. As you peruse pet-related blogs, online animal care communities, and the […]

The Low Down on Mellow Dogs for Mellow People
The world of dog breeds is amazing. Canine companions come in every shape, size, and color, with different personalities to match. And whether you’re interested in a furry companion for your kids, a protective guard dog, or a running partner for yourself, chances are you can find a breed personality that matches your lifestyle. What […]

New to Pet Ownership? These Helpful Hacks Will Get You on Track
Pet owners are very lucky people. They get a daily dose of unconditional love, entertainment, and oodles of cuddles (not to mention the health benefits that stem from this special relationship, as well!). To be sure, the perks are great, but if you’re new to pet ownership, caring for an animal can sometimes be a […]

One Day at a Time: Training Tips for Blind and Deaf Pets
Finding out your pet is losing their hearing or vision can be a devastating blow to any pet owner. Concerns regarding care and quality of life are common, and many pet owners also wonder how they’ll maintain their pet’s obedience skills if they can no longer see or hear. The team at West Park Animal […]

Mange in Pets and What You Need to Know
While the word “mange” may strike panic into the hearts of many a pet owner, not everyone truly understands what this term means. Before you jump to conclusions that your itchy pet must have this condition, West Park Animal Hospital wants you to know what goes into diagnosing mange in pets. Mange in Pets When […]

The Gift That Keeps on Giving: West Park Animal Hospital’s Top 5 Pet Care Blogs of 2018
It has been the most wonderful time of the year, and we have so much to be grateful for. West Park Animal Hospital has been a part of the Cleveland, Lakewood, and Fairview Park pet care community for many years and we have you to thank. We’ve had a busy and exciting year, and we’re […]