Cuteness Overload: Sugar Glider Care 101
The care and keeping of exotic pets has long fascinated humans, and the practice has grown in popularity in recent years. Sugar gliders are popular exotic pets, beloved for their small size, huge eyes, social nature, and affectionate attachment to their handlers. Although they look like a cross between a squirrel and a mouse, sugar […]

Xylitol and Pets: Reminders of a Not-so-Sweet Reality
With its claims of weight loss and improved health, the low-carb craze has everyone from teenagers to grandparents giving it a go. Because “low-carb” usually equates to “low-sugar,” sugar substitutes such as aspartame, erythritol, stevia, and xylitol seem to be in practically everything these days. Meeting your health goals while still keeping your pet safe […]

Can Pets Get Lice?
If you’ve ever had a scare with head lice, it’s likely you never want to experience it again. Head lice, which is a specific species called Pediculus humanus capitis, only affects humans. In other words, while lice may spread from one human family member to another, it’s impossible that your pet was the cause of […]

The Golden Years: End of Life Care for Exotic Pets
Aging happens no matter if you are a human, dog, or hamster. At West Park Animal Hospital, we know that your pocket pet deserves the best during their golden years, just as much as any dog or cat. End of life care for exotic pets is important, too, and we are here to help your […]

Pet Safety: Do the Benefits of Essential Oils Outweigh the Risks?
Although they’ve been used for generations, essential oils have exploded onto the natural health and wellness scene. Touted for their positive effects on depression, insomnia, and even the common cold, essential oils aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. In fact, pet safety can be significantly compromised when the oils are breathed in or ingested. […]
Hot Pockets: When Summer Pocket Pet Safety Takes Center Stage
Summer is arguably the best time of year for pets and people alike. There’s so much to do, so many enticing smells, and daylight seems to last forever. With all the goodness in store over the next few months, there are equal opportunities for pets to find trouble. Of these animals, pocket pets face particular […]
The Basics of Exotic Pet Care
From the feathered to the scaled, exotic pets (often called “pocket pets”) have captured the hearts of many pet owners. However, along with their special qualities comes extra care requirements that must be heeded to keep them healthy and happy. In fact, we end up seeing many exotic species when their specific nutritional or housing […]
What You Always Wanted to Know About Your Pet’s Vet Tech
If your pet gets a little unruly during an examination, there’s probably a trusty vet tech right there to help. Welcoming your pet–and calming him or her down–is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the responsibilities of a qualified veterinary technician or vet tech. Where it all Begins An […]