Autumn, the sweetest pup I’ve ever known. I’ve always been a cat person, then one day, on a whim, I stepped into a pet store in Parma. All the other pups were barking & howling, but there was this one little girl, sitting so nice in her cage, not barking, not whining, just had this sad look on her face. I walked up to her cage and her little tail started swaying back & forth. She brought tears to my eyes. I had to take her home with me. She quickly learned that I have anxiety. She always knew when I needed her attention. But not just me, anyone. She would literally walk up to everyone, sit then lift her paw and lay it on their leg. She truly had/has a sweet soul. I use the term has because, I can hear her bark, just as I start to fall asleep, that inbetween place. Then I see her sweet face and I whisper, Hi Autumn, I love you too and I’m so sorry. Autumn was the first pup I’ve ever owned as an adult, though I’m very attached to my cats as well, I don’t believe I will ever own another pup.
We have a basset hound, he misses her too. He will walk out to the back yard by the tree where she always stood guard for the squirrels, he waits and looks for her to come jump over him. Because he is much shorter than her. The first few weeks after her passing, he really had a hard time trying to figure out where she is and why she wasn’t coming to dinner. They ate side by side. Two dogs, from two different states, born in different years but were as close as siblings.
We love you Autumn and we miss you very much!
For Autumn Lit By Lori